Artist Statement

I create artwork to awaken and expand the mind. Art is a reflection of our subconscious. It is a psychological journey to discovery.

The road I take to unlock the meaning of my work is an exciting one. Dots, a common theme, symbolizes ideas. Starting points from which to build. They are also the shape I am most drawn to: fireflies, stars, flecks of mica, etc.. Texture is another common element in my work that fascinates and captures my mind. It can be the smoothness of resin or the roughness of acrylic. It is this that touches the core of my being.

These things stem from my childhood. Deep down the rabbit hole I discovered they represent freedom. The floors I learned to crawl on were smooth speckled resin and textured carpeting. The playroom where I spent in creative play exploded with sparkles from the mica in the cement floor. This is where I learned the freedom that comes from exploration.

The process of creating is a meditative one, taking inspiration from the world around me. A feast for the eyes to explore and an environment that allows the subconscious to run free. In turn, we can become the observer to what it shows us. We can then take away a new perspective on our world and find an inner peace.

It is this desire to move forward and explore the unknown that feeds my passion. Mixed media allows me to experiment and find new ways to create original new art. All the while discovering the limitlessness of my subconscious mind.

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